Midnight Care Collective (MCC) is a Black Feminist and Transformative Justice group that supports communal wellbeing through creative methods. Ideation for Midnight Care Collective began in July 2022. We came together in February 2023 under the Care of saylem mississippi celeste and Triniti (iii).

We are a response to the co-optation of language and alienation of transformative activities in social justice movements to reclaim the revolutionary role Care plays in the sustainability of such spaces.

Our collective is composed of Black Femme Practitioners.


Black Femmes have historically faced ridicule for surviving beyond their master’s will. We have survived racism, sexism, and many other -isms that have denied us the opportunity to exist. Through this, we have learned the loopholes of this reality to shape maps of our willingness to live. Black Femmes, and by extension, Black Feminists, see the 'unseen,' the unimaginable, and are still able to find spaces of existence.

The Situation

We believe that there is an individual AND collective responsibility to the practice of healing work: That healing work requires interdependence.

When we Care for ourselves, that Care ripples out into the ways that we show up for our relationships with all seen and unseen beings. When we Care for our collectives, we benefit from the overall health of those connections.

In this landscape, we are crafting new ways of being that honor all parts of us.

Time Disruption

Midnight Care Collective seeks to disrupt the timelines of control-based systems and create new worlds that align with the natural timing of the Earth. We comprehend the true nature of time as experiential and living, nonlinear, and uniquely connected to the ecologies of Earth and beyond.

We utilize natural time to orient toward healing before, through, and beyond Late-Stage Capitalism (LSC). To move through LSC and WSCP, we must name the reality of the master's clock and what it does to people and places over time.

The Collective

  • saylem m. celeste (they/themme) is a Detroit-born and based Care Practitioner who utilizes art, conversation and sound for collective liberation and healing. saylem embraces quilting in their practice as a core methodology to circumvent symptoms of Western carceral cultures and as a means to access liberation and freedom for traditionally misrepresented communities.

  • Triniti W. (she/her) is a critical Black Femme learner, writer, and community facilitator based in Michigan. Working creatively at the intersections of memory and reclamation, she dreams of a more Erotic present and future.